Why Bubtown
When my son was born, I was asked if I wanted to keep him. Angrily, I asked why such a thing would even be in question. The nice case worker from the hospital apologized and explained that seventy five percent of children born with a disability were left at the hospital. I was sickened, shocked, and mortified. I was told he had a rare chromosomal disorder and wouldn't live to be a month old.
Fast forward twenty years later, my son walked across the stage for his graduation. I was such a proud mom and so yet terrified at the same time. In Texas, you are able to remain in school until you are twenty two. And I was so thankful he was able to walk that stage with his peers. However, I knew the time had come where I had to start planning for his future. I desperately scrambled for two years. Looking, researching, and visiting all my options. I looked for places that would empower him, gifting him more choice, more freedom in his very controlled lifestyle. Nothing I found was very promising. Was I just being too picky? Should I have lowered my standards? I felt as if nothing I found was good enough, or simply wasn't here to find. For my son's whole life I have had to think outside the box just to do simple things. Things that others seemed to take for granted. I finally decided that I had to take action. If it wasn't here, I just had to create it.
I had envisioned an old western town with all the necessary structures of a basic town, all in one building. The more I worked on it, the more it grew. Once I gathered all the things I wanted to include, I realized that this was so much bigger than a simple day habilitation center. Now I want a whole town! A community for individuals to thrive and embrace their disabilities. A place where they can feel good about who they are and what they are able to accomplish, instead of focusing on what they aren't capable of. A place where each and every one of them are productive members of their community. Building positive, healthy self-esteem and awareness.
My son inspired me to create this space for those imperfectly perfect, gifted souls. Although his name is Austin, we call him Bub. This is his legacy. A foundation to inspire greatness within each individual that is a part of this community, member and staff alike. Welcome to our community!